Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Yesterday was quite an eventful day! After school we had a birthday party for our niece at the bowling alley at 4. The problem was Beau and Brynn had an ENT appointment at the same time. I thought we would be able to get in and get out, with most likely another appointment along with some meds for both of them. Beau had tubes in 06, because of his hearing tests. We knew going in yesterday his hearing was low again. The Dr suggested tubes again, which Beau is so sick of Dr's and surgery because of his knee this past fall, which he just clearance to join all activities again. The Dr thought he could do it in an office visit! The nurse came back and and showed Beau the little sponge, and here they did it right there. Poor kid (young man), had a set put in. It was painful with his tiny ear canals. Although the ride home was very quiet. Beau did admit how much more he could hear last evening. Brynn is back on amoxicillan, one tube was out. This was her 3rd set this past May, with tonsils and adenoids taken out at the same time. I am just praying she gets over this infection and does not need another set!

Little Marcus has/had malaria again. That is about all we found out yesterday. The paper work is moving. Sounds like, if we get some information, that the group from Bridge of Hope will be able to meet with Marcus, and some of the caregivers! WE are so thankful God is opening this door! I need to arrange and meet with the Pastor or one of the guys going!!

Stay warm, it is cold outside and windy!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We hope you get more news on Marcus soon and hope that is well and healthy soon!
