Monday, September 8, 2008

Another Week Passed

Another week has passed with no updates. It gets discouraging not knowing what is really happening over there! I am so thankful, we have an almighty God, who knows what is happening and is keeping a watchful eye on all those children, looking for parents
Friday night the guys all headed to WL for the football game. We lost by 2, but did really well.

Saturday I went and decorated my Sunday School room. The 4 year olds just love have a fun room, to sit and learn about God's word. DH decided he wanted to go to Blue Mountain for dinner! Ended up my sister and parents met us there! Was a nice way to end the week!
Sunday mornings are always a bit crazy here! After church, the guys were all geared up for a day of football, racing and more football! So I decided I would pick mom up and head to SCity to see my other sister and family. We did a bit of curtain shopping, and some stuff for the walls in my living room. On the way home I listened to Steven Curtis Chapman on Focus of the Family cd, I ordered it right after his interview. I have to finish it today! Wow what a testimony! What an amazing family, witnessing to all of us on adoption and their faith! Praise God!

My parents had Katelyn's Fund do a presentation in church in the morning! They said it was a moving service! Katelyn's Fund is reaching so many of us going through the adoption journey. I noticed they have the schedule out! It your interested in any information or want to just listen, please come! I am praying we can schedule them in our church soon!

I thought I would quick put a picture of our B4(Princess) before she gets on the bus! She loves TK, not sure what she always tells me what happens during school.

Well I better get a moving! As we all see the changing of the season! Isn't fall wonderful, sleep with the windows open!
Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will heard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus! Philippians 4:6-7

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