Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Philippians 4: 6-7

Do not be anxious about anything,
but in everything ,
by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God!
And the peace of God,
which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds
in Jesus Christ.
Philippians 4:6-7
This is where we are at..trying not to be anxious about this adoption. As we sit
and know this is going to really make us "consume" all our thoughts throughout
our daily activities. We are reminded we need to take all joys, concerns and thanks
to our Heavenly Father. We really have no clue what orphanage little M is at.
We know a lawyer is working on his case, supposedly getting a physical soon so we
know more details about when, why and what involves being brought to the
orphanage. Little M's birthday is coming up, we would love to send some "stuff", pictures
of his going to be family, a blankie and a stuff animal. We also found out how much
it costs to send it down to Liberia. DHL is what the agency uses to send documents
over there, not a very cost effective. Than I think of what it costs to drive anywhere
right now. The package is going a lot further. So do we make a bigger effort to
get it done or should just will wait and see.
With school coming around to corner, a vacation at the end of the year you can not help
think about where will this timing will fall in? I am constantly reminded of God's timing and not
being anxious over His timing. When I was pregnant and thought that I was going to
stay pregnant forever, I see our 4 beautiful children and reminded, that eventually
in God's timing arrived in our arms. Today we have to mow, Son#1 is getting ready for Rocky Mountain High with the church youth group, needs a MRI on his knee this afternoon. Thought we better take care of his knee buckling before football starts. My niece is over night, what a treat to have her here. She is going to be so sick of Princess following here all over.
Today is my good friends birthday so tomorrow is going to be a
shopping day with her and another friend!
God Bless You all and Thanks for dropping by!

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