Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Why are we all have a hard time of being the word patience?
It seems we always have to hurry, hurry get the kids out the door
for the bus, hurry home, hurry here and there.

Romans 12:12-13
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer! Share
with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality!

This is what our family needs to do as we wait for the finger prints to come
back. Our home study is being sent to proof read it. Scary thoughts to
think someone is going to evaluate the way you parent.

We will start our Love & Logic class April 21, we should have the best kids in
the area! Ha Ha!
Our oldest turns 15 on Friday! He was born on Easter Sunday! He is growing up
so fast!
I challenge you all to practice your patience, and be faithful in prayer!

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