Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Triple Chocolate Mess-Crock Pot!

It is only 2 months before the wedding, and of course all women who enjoy food like myself, love to bake and obviously I love to eat it! Well, I am trying to watch it, so, diet! Yikes, why don't all people have the same metabolism?? We had this treat at a profession of faith, and Janet made this wonderful Chocolate Mess! WOW! I would love to whip this up and grab a spoon! So I thought I would share it rather than eat it!

Triple Chocolate Mess (Crock Pot)
1 pkg. chocolate cake mix- dark chocolate :)
1 pint sour cream
1 small pkg. of instant chocolate pudding (dry)
1 small bag of chocolate chips
3/4 cup of oil
4 eggs
1 cup of water

Spray the crock pot with non-stick spray.
Mix all the ingredients and cook on low for 5-6 hours.
Serve warm with ice cream!
Do not overcook or it will turn to cake!

It is like hot fudge and chocolate cake! :)

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