Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Busy with tons of Blessing's!

Happy Birthday Brynn!
Sunday we celebrated with family for Brynn's Birthday! We
knew our schedule would be a wild one this week.
Brynn received a hupta hoo (hula hoop) from her cousin.
Aunt Julie thought she could try a few moves! :)
Vacation Bible School! I don't know how you celebrate VBS at your church/town/city? At our country church we are tremendously blessed with over 325 children attending! Our church was built within the last 8 years, and we have to put up a craft tent! The balloon send off was amazing! God is working in the lives of not only the children, but the 100+ volunteers that help teach, crafts, helpers, kitchen, nursery and the music team! Our VBS goes from 9 am to 3 pm! Whew, I am so ready for bed!
Brynn was so excited to get a webkin from cousin Kira!
I will post some more pictures later. But I gotta get to bed to face my 11 children in my preschool class!

Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified, for the Lord our God is with you where ever you go! Joshua 1:9
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